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Applying the Laminate

This video gives an introduction to the basic process of applying a fibreglass laminate with a layer of gelcoat.



Materials and tools:

TIP: Until you're confident, don't mix too much resin at once. A maximum of 2kg is enough for between 1-1.5m2 of fibreglass and is plenty to get you started!

For large flat areas it is quicker and easier to apply the resin using a medium pile roller. Roll on a coat of catalysed resin to the surface and then lay on the first section of fibreglass, apply more resin to “wet out” (saturate) the fibreglass. As the binder holding the fibreglass dissolves it will become translucent. Then apply the next layer, which should be cut slightly smaller to create a built in staggered overlap and again apply more resin.

Once the fibreglass has been ‘wetted out’ it is necessary to consolidate the two layers of fibreglass and this is done using a metal roller. The roller can either be of the aluminium ridged variety, “paddle roller” or a metal “washer roller” but used vigorously it not only forces the two layers of fibreglass together but it removes any trapped air, this appears in a laminate as a white blister, and care must be taken to ensure that this is done.

Having completed this section move on to the next and with the overlap built in full widths.

Unless the corners are radiused do not attempt to take the fibreglass around the corner since it is difficult to “persuade” fibreglass to lay into right angled bends, start again with a built in overlap.

Since there will be a butt joint at the corner it is then recommended that a strip of fibreglass some 200mm is cut with the edges frayed out and then applied as a tape would into the corner. You will find that this is easier since the fibreglass can be bent into shape. Once the fibreglass has been “wetted out” it is easier to work into corners and around more complicated and compound shapes.

For this purpose a brush is used with a stippling action and if required the fibreglass can be pre-wetted out on a flat board before being stippled into position.

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